An Amautiit Community Survey

Understanding the Unique Risks and 
Vulnerabilities of Nunavut

A Survey for Inuit Women, Girls, and the 2SLGBTQQIA+ Community

This year, the Amautiit Nunavut Inuit Women’s Association is conducting preliminary research regarding the distinct and unique risks that exist in Nunavut that can make residents more vulnerable by nature of policies and/or programs.

Discrimination is defined as treatment that is unjust or prejudicial due to different characteristics of a person, persons or people especially on the grounds of ethnicity, race, age, disability, sex/pregnancy, religion, family status, marital status,   ancestry, colour, political affiliation, gender identity including expression, receipt of public housing or criminal record.

Made possible with funding from Crown-Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada, the survey is part of an ongoing project aimed at examining the Nunavut Human Rights Act (HRA) to ensure it upholds principles of inclusivity and non-discrimination. You can read more information about the survey, and this project here.

Understanding discrimination and vulnerability in Nunavut

A Survey for Inuit Women, Girls, and the 2SLGBTQQIA+ Community

All responses to this survey are confidential, and your privacy is of utmost importance to us. If you prefer to do the survey or conduct an interview in Inuktitut, please contact us, and we will arrange for an Inuktitut speaker to assist you. Your participation in this survey will contribute to efforts to protect the rights and dignity of Arnait, Inuit and all Nunavummiut.

Completed surveys from Nunavut will be entered into a draw to win one of two $250 gift cards! Your feedback matters, and this is our way of saying thank you for participating. Don't miss out on this opportunity – submit your survey today!

Continuing the conversation

We thank everyone who contributes their comments, feedback and suggestions. All submissions are confidential.

Amautiit is interested in conducting follow-up interviews with community members and would like to hear from a diverse range of voices and perspectives. Persons interested in learning more, or who are willing to engage further in this project are encouraged to contact for more information.

Take Part! Submit for your chance to win!

Completed surveys from Nunavut will be entered into a draw to win one of two $250 Northern or Coop gift cards! Your feedback matters, and this is our way of saying thank you for participating. Don't miss out on this opportunity! Submit your survey today!

This Amautiit Community Survey is made possible with financial support from Crown-Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada.