Member Programs and Services

The Kivalliq Chamber of Commerce


Join the Kivalliq
Chamber of Commerce

Are you a Kivalliq-based business? Do you do business in the Kivalliq? Or do you work to support the business community in the Kivalliq Region?

If you answer yes to any of the above, we invite you to become a member of the Kivalliq Chamber of Commerce!

If you’re interested in becoming a member, and helping both our Chamber and the Kivalliq business community grow, please apply for membership today! 

If you’re interested in getting involved with a growing and important Chamber of Commerce in the Kivalliq, this might be the opportunity for you.

Download a copy of the KCC Membership Form. 

For more information about how to become a member, please contact us at



Membership in the Kivalliq Chamber of Commerce is an affordable way to connect with the business community in the Kivalliq and beyond. Membership has the following benefits:

Membership in the Kivalliq Chamber of Commerce is an affordable way to connect with the business community in the Kivalliq and beyond. Membership has the following benefits:

  • A forum to discuss and advocate for issues affecting the Kivalliq business community.
  • Communications and collaboration with our neighbour chambers, the Kitikmeot Chamber of Commerce and the Baffin Regional Chamber of Commerce, the NWT/NU Chamber of Mines, and the Manitoba Chambers of Commerce.
  • Access to early information and registration for Chamber-sponsored events such as Northern Perspectives and the Kivalliq Energy Forum.
  • Via the KCC’s membership, access to select benefits from the Canadian Chamber of Commerce, including their Chamber Business Services Program and all CCC events, with more exciting linkages and opportunities to come as part of the Chamber 2025 process. 
  • Access to our flight promo code with Calm Air, offering discounted rates on travel.
  • Ability to participate in AGM and submit resolutions.

The Kivalliq Chamber of Commerce is proud to be a member of Chambers of Commerce across the North and Canada.

The Kivalliq Chamber of Commerce official web site.

The Kivalliq Chamber of Commerce (KCC) is a registered society made up of members of the Kivalliq business community and other regional stakeholders.

The Kivalliq Chamber of Commerce official web site.
Get In Touch

Box 819
Rankin Inlet, NU X0C 0G0